23 November 2020

h O O ps


 It was a different world then. You jumped through them for your

own amusement

2 November 2020

20 October 2020

28 September 2020

14 September 2020

24 August 2020

17 August 2020

Sponge finger forehead



Don't come here expecting answers
We are far better at questions, okay?

10 August 2020

23 June 2020

13 May 2020

The purpose of sticks

Actually, sticks are not all that bothered about finding their purpose.
They go with the flow

6 April 2020

Am I?

Am I in the chair?
Or have I become the chair?
Not to worry, it's going quite well. So far

2 March 2020

Home, finally

"I'm back!" called the house, crunching up the gravel towards her

25 February 2020

17 February 2020